Monday, July 11, 2011

New shoes! (itty bitty shoes)

I decided to get the rear tire out of the bedroom and get it slapped on the bike. The front wheel went smoothly enough but I had never taken a rear wheel off a bike so it took a bit longer and I had a few more parts to keep track of. I was able to get it on and off with minimal mechanical knowhow so I would think anyone glancing at this should be able to do it too. I woul have liked to swap out the wheel bearings as well, but didnt think to buy them before hand. Maybe this winter...

Well, one minor disaster was I had the bike on the center stand, which I'm not really familair with using as my last bike didnt have one. I removed the tire, had the new one put on and balanced, came back to the bike. Had my daughter roll it back under the rear fender as I lifted the bike for clearance. I think I could have snaked it in myself without lifting it now that I think about it. Anyhow, the bike lurched forward, the rear of the bike crashed to the ground resting on the tailpipes. Luckily the bike isnt toooo heavy and I was able to lift the bike to waist height and kick the centerstand back down. After that, it was pretty smoothe sailing.

Wheel coming out. Chain off, chain adjusters coming off, etc.

Daughter snapped a shot of the removal.

Here she is, new shoes front and rear. Ignore the dual handlebars. Installing
the clubmans will be the next project... I think.  I left the chainguard off as
part of my slimming down.

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

What the heck are you thinking?

As you read read this blog, you may wonder what my end goal for this bike is. Well, that's a tricky question. Right now I'd be happy with more or less as it sits, just capable of being a daily driver. Of course, I have to have a long term goal. A muse of sorts.  There are a few that fit that bill, all of them reduced of anything that can be taken off that I can live without. Minimizing all turn signals, brake lights, mirrors etc. Also, it'll surely consist of a full fledged cafe seat and rear. Once those are in place, possibly before, I'll also have to figure out how to change the clutch/shifter into a rear-set configuration. Not the most comfy or safe combination of parts but considering this bike is going to be more form over function, that's just the price of admission.

Anyhow, here's a few pics of things I like, just to give you an idea: